This article is about: 1. Concurrent Bluetooth and WiFi on a Pi Zero 2 W As wrote in previous article I am trying to make use of Pi Zero and BT dongle at the same time. Generally it is working quite OK but in some …
Read MorePreparing headless SD card for Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W without Raspberry Pi Imager
Intro Recently I bought Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W for my electric car project: It is very neat board with a good pricing. As I am lazy I didn’t even wanted to connect keyboard and HDMI (or UART) – I just wanted to be able …
Read MoreMonitoring cesspool level using ESP32 and JSN-SR04T ultrasonic sensor
TL;DR This lengthy post is about designing and deploying my new ESP32 rust project (for the first time in my life) and all its struggles. It is using the ultrasonic sensor for liquid level monitoring. History (previous setup) Long story short my house still cannot …
Read MoreGardena SILENO minimo 250: story about firmware upgrade using Linux
Introduction I own the Gardena SILENO minimo 250m2 robotic lawnmower: It’s working very well for about two years so far. I am really happy that I don’t need to use petrol lawn mower anymore, and I just forgot to think about this task, which is really cool! …
Read MoreHuawei SUN2000: why using a USB dongle for monitoring is not a good idea
Intro I want to share what I found out regarding monitoring Huawei SUN2000 inverter using a Modbus/TCP method during my half-year journey with this inverter. Let’s start with some basics first:The inverter has internal WiFi access point built-in on its mother board. The main purpose …
Read MoreHow to do a firmware upgrade using FusionSolar
FusionSolar is a Huawei platform for monitoring solar inverters, but it also have a interface for firmware upgrade.Note: This is probably only possible if you have the installer account. This post describes how I did a firmware upgrade in the USB dongle of the SUN2000 …
Read MoreHow to connect to SUN2000 from DD-WRT
Intro The Huawei SUN2000 inverter has a build-in/internal WiFi interface (SSID beggining with SUN2000-<serialnumber>) which is exposing a Modbus TCP port (502). Using this connection you can obtain inverter data in the realtime and eg. collect it for your own purposes. Huawei Smart Dongle-WLAN-FE is …
Read MoreHuawei SUN2000 monitoring
If you want a simple and reliable solution for monitoring SUN2000 inverter and only collecting parameters to InfluxDB database I’ve added a support for this inverter in my hard. The daemon is written in Rust and doesn’t need any special python/perl dependencies to work. The …
Read MoreMy Skymax inverter died…
The story begins… The day after April Fools’ Day 2020 was not a funny day for me That day my sleep was interrupted by a constant beep from the garage several minutes after 5 in the morning. I woke up from bed and go through …
Chieftec HPC-360-302 DF repair
During revive the retro computer I discovered a problem with a Chieftec power supply: After powering it up it is emitting high frequency noise, mainboard is not starting after pushing the power button. I connected the multimeter and measured the STB (standby) line (violet color …
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