Automate my weekly weight logging

This time – something not strictly related with electronics and home automation 🙂
Ok – maybe a little – if you own intelligent weighing machine and want to connect it directly to your central computer 😉

Every week after weighing in, I had to save my results to:
Grafana (local storage)

It was a little annoying to enter the same weight at those places.
So I spent some time on this and created a simple bash script to take care of this 🙂

It is taking one argument, which is the weight, and then it does:
– logging in to MyFitnessPal, saving the weight, logging out
– saving the data to InfluxDB
– starting a web browser with the grafana dashboard and results

My motivation dashboard in the Grafana looks like this:

I didn’t cope with saving to Endomondo yet but I am providing you mentioned bash script which you may find useful:

If you have done automated Endomondo weight saving, let me know!


  1. This is sort of what I was looking for! I wanted to get my food diary information from the site and I noticed you used –data “weight[display_value]=$1”. Are there any other commands to get the food diary data?

    1. Chris,
      This script is for saving weight data in MFP. To obtain the data you need to call it e.g. like this:
      and the data parameter:
      --data 'show_food_diary=1&show_food_notes=1&show_excercise_diary=1&show_excercise_notes=1'

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